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I have had a life filled with very challenging lessons, these lessons have made me the person and the coach I am today, one that allows me to truly connect with the heart and story of each of my clients.


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I am so grateful to have obtained my Life Coach certification from the Life Purpose Institute. I truly feel that my life journey, public speaking about parenting, education, motivation, numerous courses and trainings, my spiritual growth and service work has equipped me to be the type of life coach that allows me to, guide, understand and connect with everyone that comes my way. One, that can make a difference in the lives of others, is loving, understanding, and is so excited and ready to help people make the necessary changes to enjoy their life to the fullest.

What is a life coach?

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A life coach is a person that works in partnership with you to help you reach your full potential across all facets of life.


We facilitate and bring out the light that is already inside of you that perhaps was dimmed or turned off for a while.


  • Provides clarity and direction.

  • Helps with goal setting.

  • Provides unbiased feedback and support.

  • Holds you accountable.

As a certified Life Coach I can help you:

  • Stay focussed and determined in the process of finding  your Life Purpose.

  • Have a more balanced life and be able to divide and conquer.

  • Overcome fears, insecurities and learn to forgive.

  • Prioritize, manage your time and get organized in a more efficient way.

  • If you feel “stuck” in any way.

  • Feel more positive and confident.

  • Overcome family situations.

  • Finding a Spiritual path.

  • Through Life transitions.

  • To love yourself and understand that if YOU are well, those around will also be well.


Val Alino

Conscious Parenting is about the parents evolving to their highest state of consciousness in every moment of their life. Our children show us a mirror to our undeveloped self and are here to be our teachers.

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The only parenting you have to do is with yourself. If you show with actions, love and respect what you want to see in your children, they will follow your mark.

the Montessori Educator

When I was 3 years old I knew I wanted to be a teacher, run my school, and dedicate my life to education.  I feel blessed that with time not only did I stick to my passion, but it grew stronger as I grew older.


As a certified Conscious Parenting Coach I can help you:

  • Parent with unconditional love, no attachment or expectations.

  • Be the best version of yourself living in peace and harmony with those around you.

  • Learn how to break free form patterns and legacies that you inherited from your parents and ancestors.

  • Clear your unhealed wounds and parent form a place of peace.

  • Discover your own truth and learn how to allow your child to be his/her true self.

  • To stop living out of prescriptive checklists.

  • Get rid of punishments and rewards.

  • How to help your child through tantrums and expressing emotions.

  • End battles, yelling and have a long lasting relationship with your children.

  • Find out ways to connect with your children instead of controlling.

  • Understand teens and how to build a relationship with them.

  • Become a parent that is present.

  • How to use Montessori principals that are inline with conscious teaching and parenting and more.

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Being a spiritual coach  is my life mission. It keeps me connected and allows me to help you connect with your essence as a human being.Through powerful techniques of Access consciousness, Reiki, Mindfulness, Angels and Meditation, Spiritual Coaching allows you to explore your heart and bring to the light what you need to find your center, peace and life purpose. It helps you open your heart and your spirit to the universe to fill you with its abundance and the spiritual peace that you deserve and that is already yours. I will help you receive everything  you deserve with ease, joy and glory. Live the life that you have been dreaming of! Contact me and let the universe show us more.
I have had the pleasure of helping company leaders and individuals stay connected, centered with themselves and their heart. I share practices that will help you, live a well balanced life and by doing so, you learn the importance of self care, live a congruent life, lead by example, practice self compassion, gratitude and how to manifest in order to bring the results that you want. I also teach you practical inner practices that will allow you to be healthier, happier and have better connection with those around you.

I will bring in practices of mindfulness, meditation, the power of intention and manifestation to bring into your life everything that you desire.


Access Consciousness

During an Access Bars session, a trained practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head which dissipates the electromagnetic charge that gets locked in our brains by the thoughts, feelings and emotions that we have stored over lifetimes. Imagine if someone could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough or that you can’t accomplish what you dream about. That “voice” comes from those electromagnetic charges that keep us from believing we can have the life we’ve always known is possible.


This is what Access Bars will begin to unlock…the space of being YOU!



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Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.


I have always believed in the power of prayer and connection to the Universe. Since I was born my mother introduced me and has spoken to me my whole life about Angelical realm. It was not until I had my deep Spiritual awakening that I began using Angels as my guides and since then, my connection with heaven has been so beautiful and I am so thankful for that. I have completed numerous Angel courses and now have my Master Angel Certification from Charles Virtue & Peroshini Naidoo. It was an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. I love helping people connect to the energy of these beautiful beings of light. I feel blessed and honored to have them as my guides in all the work I have been called upon to do in this life.

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Free 30 minute Discovery call.

Once that you have done a discovery call and you are ready to begin working together, please schedule your coaching appointment.

For speaking engagement opportunities please use the following link to schedule a time to talk.

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©2024 Val Alino. All Rights Reserved.

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